Sourcing Presentation

Virtual Business Chat With Krista & Tami

These are nothing short of totally surreal times which are made even more stressful if you’re a small business owner. Since the moment that the COVID-19 pandemic came onto our radar, we’ve been totally nervous about the impact it would undoubtedly have on our interior design studio and our to-the-trade showroom. It feels as if we’ve been in near-constant communication with our financial manager, our bank, our attorneys, other small business owners and peers, and on and on and on! We’ve been listening to podcasts, dialing in to designer-centric group calls, reading all the news, and still - the learning curve is just so. dang. steep. And we know why it is steep - because these are truly unprecedented times (the word that everyone and their brother has used in communication about the virus - are we right, or are we right?!) But it’s accurate because unprecedented times, they are. There is no rule book for how to handle something as ginormous as this global pandemic. No rule book for when to lay off team members who are like your second family, or should you furlough them? There’s no rule book for how to try to keep business moving forward when the world around us has all but ceased operating, no rule book for how to plan for the possibility of months on end with dramatically decreased revenue. So there we have it. We’re all just trying to figure this shit out. Not sure about you, but we’d love nothing more than to hop on a virtual call with you and talk shop. You know things we don’t know and we know things you don’t know so let’s get on a virtual business chat to share and discuss, let’s commiserate and celebrate the small wins. We’re always an open book when it comes to talking with our peers, but now more than ever we truly need to support one another as a community.

CAVEAT! We most definitely WON’T be looking like we do in the photo below when we’re on our virtual call. Guarantee you that at least one of us will be working from bed and both of us will be in our comfy clothes with our hair in a high pony. Just saying. These calls are 100% a no judgement zone.

We truly look forward to seeing you on our computer screens soon. In the meantime, stay safe and be well.